Last post. Goodbye

My sister’s entire family HAS to eat gluten free because they have an allergy to wheat. It is called celiiac disease. They do not have to take medication for allergies by eating gluten free. Perhaps this is what @zeno is referring to.

In addition to celiac disease, some schizophrenics that had not intestinal sensitivity to gluten, have had good improvements (even remission) with a gluten-milk free diet.

Well I, for one, am happy that you always come back. :slightly_smiling_face:


In other words…




Don’t be

overwhelmed by

what is happening.

Think what has

to be done.


That is a really good quote, Sagar! I’m glad you came back to post it!

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Thank you, @zeno. I am going to think more about this and bring it to my pdoc.

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Dear friend, Rhubot, I finally found what is Hell and why it is happening in my life.

The post below is what I think why Hell is happening in my life… Post below…


Good is doing good.
Evil is doing evil.
Good has severe limitations.
Evil has freedom.
Good doesn’t know evil.
Evil knows good and always targets good.
What is wrong with this truth?
Winner is winner.
Loser is loser.
Tables turn.

That message, I did write on paper and saved it. That really helps me and my negative thoughts are
completely gone with this message which I consider to be absolutely true.

Thanks @Rhubot

Hi Sagar hope you come back

I already said, I will stay. Thanks.


Love the quote @anon93437440

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