Last Post. Completely Goodbye to this forum. Finally I understood the truth of Life

Last Post. Completely Goodbye to this forum. Finally I understood the truth of Life.

Life consists of constant as well as change, constant is like, either you have it or don’t, change is also like, either you have it or don’t and, this is the problem, this is the solution, such is the quest for existence of life. - Sagar Gorijala.

Don’t go, I like your posts, I have not talked about my religion yet …

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He is trying to escape!

Don’t let him get away!

Once you are on the forum you don’t get out.


Yes u are Right in your own way …!!! In my opinion truth is being alive !!! and realizing u have Sz …!! Medicine is good for U …!!! And SZ is incurable …!!!


I also thinking to quit. I shared the experience and thought I have, now nothing more. Thanks


I could tell so much more about my past life during many decades.

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I see no points in quitting !!
U are always welcomed here …!!

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I generally don’t care what people think about me, but now only posting photos and sharing life events are remain, for those I am already using Facebook.

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