Hi, it has been a long time

Hello forum it has been a long time since i have posted, i wanted to let everyone know that I am not doing so well but i have got SSDI that kicks in on January and Katie (my fiancee) and i are barely making ends meet. Lots of things have gotten much harder for me like typing it has taken maybe 15 min to get this text right. I love you all and miss you, thank you for the support. I have some new artwork that i am trying very hard to finish you can find me in most social networks @ajvetrova but here is a few.




Nice to hear from you @sasha! Dont be such a stranger! Please hang in there - good news on your SSDI

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Thank you, sorry so much for being absent for so long.

Thank you for checking in. I’m sorry the SSDI isn’t kicking in yet. You haven’t been forgotten.

Glad your still working on the art… you have such a great talent.

I hope things get easier for you very soon.

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its ok Sasha - we all get busy from life from time to time - wishing you guys all the best, and welcome back! :smiley:

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wow I am really glad to hear from you @sasha at least there’s SSDI coming in the future. Thank goodness…glad you’re back. yayyyy!

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Thank you, I am glad to be back I will try to be more regular on here from now on.


**So glad to hear from you Sasha :blush: **

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Welcome back, I was occasionally wondering how you were doing. Congratulations on the SSDI.

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supper happy for you that you got ssdi…that should help you out alot…nice to have you back on the forum…

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It is good that you are getting SSDI. The back pay will be worth the wait. Best wishes!

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I wondered how you have been doing. Good to hear from you again!
You and K hold strong, it will get easier in Jan when your SSDI kicks in.


Welcome back @sasha. I was on the road when you posted this - sorry for missing it. Hope you’re hanging in there. January is 40 days away. You got this!

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hiya sasha. glad to have you back. hope things work out for you.

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