Good morning/Good night thread

good super night guys…!!!


Good morning everyone :sunny: I’ve finished work for the week and I don’t have any appointments today so I can just relax.

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Goodnight everyone.

Good morning! :cloud: :leaves:

Bad morning folks!!

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Good morning chew i am going to sleep a 12 hour time difference…!!!

Good morning everyone :sunny: I think we might be able to get our wedding rings off lay buy today! Then we have to get them resized.

What happened to make it a bad morning JJ?

I drank wayyy too much last night. First time in a year I regretted how much I drank. Thanks for your concern.

Oh no! You’ve had a lot going on recently. Try not to live with the regret, just learn from it and move on. Regret doesn’t serve us, it’s just an anchor.

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Good morning everyone :sunny: I woke up at 2.30am but I had a big sleep yesterday.


Good nyte…!!! Especially my friend minnii…hope u are looking all this up…Have a good day ahead…!!!


Goodnight, everyone.

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Good night, people!

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Good morning, guys! Just got done watching Game of Thrones and honestly I don’t even know what to say about this one. It was so good, but also so crazy and emotional.


Good morning everyone :sunny: @spacemonkey I’ve never seen Game of Thrones.


It’s a really good show, but it will leave you feeling all kinds of emotions at once.

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My parents told me it’s very violent. I don’t think I could handle the violence in it. I’m not good with graphic stuff! I’m a bit of a wuss.

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Your parents would be right about it. I’m fine with violence and graphic stuff, but I understand! The episode I just finished earlier was rather violent, and it surprised even me. At least it ended on a bittersweet note.

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I think I’ll steer clear of it then! Thanks for the heads up!

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