Don't know what is real anymore truthfully

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It is up to you to define your own reality. If you want to waste time believing in this stuff then go ahead. I however would recommend that you put it out of your mind.


I dunno how you could possibly just (oh that’s not real), after all the money spent into intelligence and security after 911, I mean think of that too…the whole thing was a setup and now it’s excusable to have a possibility of this existing. (Well he had a bad thought so we executed him). Or the sad truth that anyone could be victimized into this and be labeled as (mentally ill)…(especially pot smokers btw). I don’t believe that anyone gets how vast the scope of our defense and intelligence really is, and how scary these people really are…

When it comes down to it, six media companies control everything you see. And you mean to tell me that this crest and our own ■■■■■■■ currency of the new world order don’t exist? They are drummed up into telling you through (little ways)…that they’re going to take everything from you. I have been in military, and I understand that my methods are pretty urgent and extreme. But none of us were ever told the truth. And how can you tell me we’re any different from England when we ourselves develop a monarchy in America?? I mean you do know George Bush senior was president and afterwards his son was? Right? This is a cluster of secrets, bad taxes to the wrong things, and a country that is violating their own citizens due to their incompetence and evil planning I believe.

Entertain this all if you like. I don’t believe artificial telepathy exists or anything like that. Its to complicated, we barely understand how the brain works.


Don’t you see how cloak and dagger our own leaders can be? Did you really think they’d specifically tell you they were doing it for (your benefit)? No way, they have hardly said anything about it…one more…

i would suspect that part of the reason these programs were shut down was there inefficacy. They were also inhumane. Public science is always hot on the heals of private research.Most of these things aren’t even theoretically possible.

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You really think that? Common man, have you ever had to work for our leaders? They want silent mules, or (disabled) people to (take care of). It’s all a control struggle that an ignorant empire can’t even prove to lead let alone retain. Until they get a huge proportion of world scholars and abuse their work and take devices made to make dreams come true, then everything changes. I mean let’s kick it a bit we took all the Nazi scientists and their recorded work…it’s a race to see who has the most power over people…not a race to see which people have power.

I just have faith that science will continue to progress this world. That is on all fronts. It is up to the individual to transcend the nature of the status quo and become truly powerful. Armed with logic and reason and knowledge. If we had more free thinkers it really would make this place better to live in. We are so primitive, it sickens me. You can be paranoid about the government if you like, but really it is quite simple.

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Taking five on that…

I can’t really agree with the notion that history is determined by some all-powerful spirit or principle which is guiding us towards Utopia (a scientific Utopia?). History isn’t determined by the morality (or “progressiveness”) of the victors. Every step in history is not necessarily a step in a better (more moral, more progressive, more humane, etc) direction.

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Yes but this day and age when many souls are striving to establish a better world we might make progress. Perhaps it is the choice of the collective to enable positive progress. There is a benefit to having multiple competing ideologies. I however feel that the natural selection amongst these ideologies may not result in the most appropriate progression. If we were all scientists we might stand a chance, but the people seem happy to be blind and illiterate.

You need to ponder this: What is publicly known to the masses is ALWAYS without a doubt far behind what ‘they’ really have. take for instance the stealth planes first revealed in the early 90s during Gulf 1. the F117 had been flying around experimentally or under classified operations since 1981 when the craft made its first flight:

“During the program’s early years, from 1984 to mid-1992, the F-117A fleet was based at Tonopah Test Range Airport, Nevada where it served under the 4450th Tactical Group. Because the F-117 was classified during this time, the unit was officially located at Nellis Air Force Base”

The same goes for most other technologies, especially technologies used in defense.
It has been stated with proof given that Voice to Skull transmissions using electronic technology was first successfully demonstrated in 1973 - 74 by Dr. Sharp. That and the fact EMF waves have been shown to induce certain states of mind, even ‘hallucinations’ in people.
This is what we are aware of.

I’ll mention again that up until last year many people thought that it was pure paranoia to believe the govt was monitoring our phones and internet. Then Snowden revealed the files he had… putting to rest once and for all the alleged paranoid delusion, since these things were now known not to be delusions.

As for mind control? An advanced virtual reality game.

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Nope. That’s not how it works. Technologies that you speak of are scientifically implausible. Believe in if you’d like. Stealth planes weren’t that much more advanced.

So are you saying you completely deny the actual testing of such technologies 40 years ago, that are publicly known?

American Psychologist article: 1973 Voice to Skull Demonstration
Artificial microwave voice to skull transmission was successfully demonstrated by researcher Dr. Joseph Sharp in
1973, announced at a seminar from the University of Utah in 1974, and in the journal “American Psychologist” in the
March, 1975 issue, article title “Microwaves and Behavior” by Dr. Don Justesen.

The microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect, consists of audible clicks (or, with speech modulation, spoken words) induced by pulsed/modulated microwave frequencies. The clicks are generated directly inside the human head without the need of any receiving electronic device.

This is knowledge available to the public. So how can one say it is scientifically implausible?

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Dances around…

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I asked my psychiatrist who was the most likely mentally ill to hurt someone and he said “schizophrenics who are afraid of the government”…I don’t worry about our government…ready for Hilary ! haha…

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I think the older I get the more I realize that governments and most organizations are mostly incompetent. If anything paranoia is probably useful to them to create the illusion that they are powerful and know what they are doing.