Could a kitten help me break porn addiction?

I think I watch too much porn. I’ve been addicted for quite some time now. I never think anything of it, even though I know it’s healthier to limit porn. I hear something like people who watch less porn are driven more by sex desires to seek out real sex than people who just go to watch porn. Also it decreases brain activity in certain regions when you watch porn. And probably some other side-affects as well.

Well i think my kitten, although I haven’t had him here for more than 24 hours, I’m scared to watch porn because I don’t wanna scar him. I’m not desperate enough to watch it to close the door in the bathroom. I think this ACTUALLY might deter me from watching porn, having the kitten.

As well as definitely detering me from drinking or smoking weed.

And providing me with companionship.

I have improved my lifestyle in so many ways recently!!! It all started with the zoloft and then the new therapist, now the kitten. So happy :smile:


PS this is a serious thread.

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Also I have a question for people who have had porn addiction???

If you break the cycle, is it something you can ever do it in moderation?? Or is it like drug addiction and alcoholism that if you go back you go back to doing it way too often??? Or what?

Maybe I will aim for masturbation like once a week, without porn, and try to eliminate porn completely.

Tell me about your experiences breaking porn addiction, what was it like?

Thank you… I know the thread title seems silly but I’m 100% serious. I’ve probably been addicted to porn for 12 years now. I can’t remember many times I didn’t watch porn on a pretty much daily basis. It’s less harmful than drugs and alcohol addiction for sure, but harmful for your lifestyle nonetheless. I guess it’s something you can live with, but it makes quality of life worse…

Just watch out for those surprise lap jumps. You might have a curious kitty


I love you @goyankees behave well, no porn, and good luck whatever you do.
Glad that you are happy :slight_smile:.

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As a dr once told me as long as the subject matter is not violent or degrading then it’s ok

Thanks @Erez_Shmerling!!! I’m very fond of you as well!!! I really appreciate your posts and you!!! Hope you have a good evening

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The only way to break an addiction is to not come into any contact with what you’re addicted to for a long time. This is the HARDEST part and requires tremendous willpower, you’ll likely slip up a number of times. But if your resolve is strong enough eventually you will get to the point where you don’t NEED it anymore you just WANT it. And to be honest you’ll never stop wanting it. Over time your resolve will grow stronger so you can overcome temptation better. But you can’t let yourself slip even once or it’s back to square one. Addiction, regardless of what you’re addicted to, is a tremendously hard battle.


Good luck @Goyankees Hope you recover and also meet someone :o)

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Porn may be one of the most powerful addiction of our time. Unlike drugs, it is legal in most cases and unlike cigarettes or alcohol it is easily available and if that weren’t bad enough, it’s often free!

Addictions in general are believed to energize the ‘reward circuit’ involving an area called the nucleus accumbens, communicating with several other areas with the neurotransmitter dopamine being a primary activator. Wikipedia has a good summary and links under ‘brain reward center.’

Monitor yourself.

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Put down that Kitten porn and back away from the computer very slowly!


Hmmm. Is this a loaded question?

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I’ve been addicted to porn which became an addiction to kink porn. Over the last year or so I’ve gone from a daily to semi daily kink porn habit to once to twice weekly vanilla porn use. Every time I slip up and watch anything degrading towards women I feel bad and actually get punished mentally for it with depression/nasty voices. I’ve tried to completely cut porn altogether but it’s actually harder to do that for me than quit any drug I have ever quit. I still feel like quitting and I think there are benefits to it but I feel like I’m doing nothing wrong watching vanilla porn once and a while.

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Don’t SH00t, Don’t SH00T.


There was a more personal reason I quit porn. I was having dreams where I didn’t treat women right. Quitting it cut them down to close to zero. There was some withdrawal and I found I generally lost interest in sex in the long run but when I was looking at porn I wasn’t pursuing it anyway so that’s a minor issue. At first I actually pursued women some when I quit but once i realized that I was not able to handle living with other people. trying to impress a woman or take care of kids the way I wanted to I found that a relationship was not best for me. I am glad that i don’t feel an inner pressure to pursue women any more and that I have a healthier attitude on dealing with women in general. I do occasionally have brief fantasies about women i meet in reality including those who don’t look as attractive as what I previously was interested in which doesn’t bother me either because I know if I ever do commit to a woman she will not look as pretty on the last day I know her as she does the first day. I think you will find it would be worth your time doing and doing so doesn’t mean you will necessarily end up alone like I choose to be now.

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Just take more aps. I feel so shite from my last one I can hardly get it up. I dream of masturbating.

But I’m sure a cat can help. I never was able to rub one out when the cat was in the room staring at me

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I actually had a dream about masturbating last night :neutral_face: Could have been spurred on by my conscious decision to quit porn. Also could be like a drug withdrawal dream that people have. I wasn’t watching porn in the dream though.

I watched alot of porn last night. Okay, I do it every night. But what are you gonna do, its hot. Nothing else seems to give me a dopamine rush like orgasming. I guess those primitive brain functions are intact but the higher ones are totally impaired. On risperidone I was like a monk though, I didn’t do any of this ■■■■.

I make a point to never watch porn or masturbate in front of the cats. I close them out of my room and do my stuff. I feel insecure with them in here, like they are judging me or something.

Before sz I had more interests, now I enjoy what I enjoy and take what I get. Hopefully I am anonymous enough that my mom never reads this post. She would cut my wifi.

Glad you are doing well on Zoloft, one user on here said it was her miracle drug. I would think Zoloft would erase your ability to orgasm though.


Be glad that’s the only thing she would cut :smile:


I had a dream about wolverine last night. It was gory like a tarantino movie. I tried having sex with women in the dream but ended up getting foiled in my attempts. Then everything got really scary. I woke up to hypnagogic hallucinations of an evil birdlike creature on my bedpost screaming at me. I tore it down and hallucinated that it had bloodied my hand.