Britney Spears on the forum?

Don’t discount it, future alex-everyone has their religious beliefs and some people do believe in demons and spirits.

I’m just saying for my personal case I think it’s more scientific than spiritual…

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I do believe in demons and demonic possession. Real sz and sza are NOT caused by demons and it is NOT helpful to promote that.


Just have an open mind, once I thought I was a cast out angel become demon, who reincarnated on earth to bring about the apocolapse…and that everything was contingent on me-the master plan wouldn’t work without my consent. And so it’s hard to explain but it was very hard to go through, i can kind of understand big guns troubles.

I knew it! :smirk_cat: all signs clearly pointed to it.


Then why have people used entheogens (psychedelics) around the worlds in spiritual uses for thousands of years to communicate with spirits even if they weren’t spirits these people are still having visions (hallucinations) and hearing voices etc it is obvious to me that drugs can and do cause what we know as schizophrenia.

Because people who like experiencing far out crap will experience more of it when they’re high on something. Duh.

That’s because you’re delusional, which is obvious to everyone BUT you.

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It is I Sir Level who is Britney Spears :blonde_man:


(person with blonde hair) LOL

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Hah. You’re only blonde on top.


I’ve checked @flameoftherhine’s mathe-Meta-cal proof and I believe it is beyond reproach. :nerd:

Quod Erat Demonstrandum. QED.


So you’re telling me there is no connection between drugs and schizophrenia? And you are also telling me that with over half of the population of this planet beleiving in spirits that I am delusional for beleiving in them as well. And all those people in history like in the bible and other religions who had visions and who heard voices were in fact schizophrenic and not spiritual that there are billions of delusional people on the planet. Spirits are real and there would be billions of people to tell you that.

Sure there is. Illegal street drugs can trigger it and/or make it worse. Prescribed medications can treat and alleviate it.

Can’t have above average without also having below average. The number of people believing something is no guarantee of accuracy of beliefs. How many people once believe the world was flat or that the sun moved around it?

Ignorance and superstition ruled before the Enlightenment.

They why can’t we get quantifiable proof? We have detectors so sensitive we can measure individual particle collisions in colliders, but we can’t get solid evidence of a spirit, which would surely register as energy on our current tech?

The billions of people are uneducated, gullible, or delusional. Perhaps a combination thereof. I feel no need to jump off the cliff with the rest of the lemmings.


Ah man I was with you up until the lemming bit…the stock footage of the lemmings jumping off the cliff was actually a bored crew making up a story where there was none…there was actually a crew member tossing and chasing those furry little bastatds off the cliff to create this tragic story of what lemmings do when their bored and over populated…sorry had to clear up that myth…my work here is done…


I heard the lemmings jumped and landed in the ocean then a stork came on the 3rd day and that’s where babies come from


I always want to say Shitney Beers when I hear her name.