Addicted to porn what to do?

IT falls off? Christ my dad never told me that. Does IT just drop off one day or does IT kind of wither and slowly disappear? Can they reattach IT if they catch the problem early enough?


Replace bad behavoir with good. Go for a run when your horny. Do some push ups…it’s practice anyways…Be creative.

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A mental addiction is poor self control. That’s like saying you’re addicted to picking your nose because it’s pleasurable. Its a habit not an addiction don’t see it as such.

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The bible was written before the internet was invented. Maybe Jesus now approves of porn. Or at least tolerates it in moderation.

That’s a pretty big generalization, accusation, assumption and judgement. Are you sure that statement is approved by Larry Flynt or Bob Guccione?

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That’s not what I meant. Sorry. I can entertain the notion it’s just not ever convincing enough to hold up.

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