Your opinion

After I worked 5 years at my job, my company gave me a $500 bonus in my paycheck. I’m coming up on ten years in July and I’m wondering if I am going to get another bonus. I was thinking of calling up the Human Resources lady and asking if I will get a bonus but I think to do that it might be inappropriate or rude. What do you think? It would really help me now to know I can count on getting that money in July (if I’m even getting it).


We get long service out here with 10 years service. It’s like 6 weeks holidays or pay. It’s pretty sweet so I wouldn’t hesitate to make the ask…but I’m not sure of your system … like is it usual to reward? I know barnes and noble gave you a weeks extra holiday back in the day but I hear they use lots of casual workers now…

Like not sure your rules and regulations but I wouldn’t hesitate to ask a simple question like that.


You could call and explain it in the same way you did here.

Say that you feel a bit awkward asking if its happening, but you could use the money and it would be really helpful if you knew if it was coming.

That way you would let them know you aren’t being “rude” or taking it for granted and it might ease your mind in this regard.


The human resources lady probably just works there and doesnt care if you ask

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i dont really think its rude to ask for a bonus especially if youve done a great job. should be seen as a performance based pay hike, not a gift imo. Instead of asking if youll get one you can ask them what you can do to get such a bonus, especially since youve earned this seniority.

Its a worthy performance and loyalty milestone you should be compensated for. Probably best you dont leave it to chance. With business people you know which side theyll lean toward.


Yes, but she could mention to one of the managers or other workers there that I was inquiring about a bonus and that could make me look bad.

i saw a tiktok the other day that made a good point. I think people who make a normal wage sometimes feel bad or like theyre putting the owners out when we ask for money. The video said something like “believe me, owners are not poor. If they have money for cars, huge houses, nice watches and suits they can afford to pay more”

idk just kinda fit here i guess… $500 may seem like its a lot to ask for but owners will drop that on b.s. on a weekend out. money that belongs in your pocket. Dont feel bad dude.

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Yes, I think I’ll ask.

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nice dude, you deserve it. Youve worked hella hard and been very loyal to them. You’ve earned your stripes with them


Nice. After five years at my job, I got a very inappropriately shaped award:

Just nasty - cash would have been better. Regarding your question, I don’t think it will hurt to reach out to HR and ask.


I understand the aphorism the the message to mean if it looks like a butt plug then take this award and shove it

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Well, it certainly doesn’t sit on my desk. It’s disturbing.


There is nothing wrong with asking. Ask and you shall receive. Don’t ask and you shall not receive. Why do you feel shame in asking when you do a good job?

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Errr that looks like it might…
:thinking: :flushed: :rofl:

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