Mine was nokia 5110… Wanted Ericsson sgh888
I honestly can’t remember. Was too long ago . It was a flip phone though. I’m thinking it may have been a nokia as well.
I think it was Motorola, Nokia didn’t have flip phones…
That was forever ago.
In 1989 my dad got me one of those huge car phones that plugged into the cigarette lighter. I wasn’t allowed to use it for chatting, because it cost a fortune. Strictly emergency only. I have no idea what the make/model was.
My first handheld phone was some flip thing in the late 1990s. No text or pics, just phone. Again, couldn’t tell you what it was.
My first phone was a Blackberry pearl in 2007 or 2008 then I got an iPhone 4.
I was late on the cell phone craze. I held out for awhile before getting one. Couldn’t tell you the year I finally caved though.
According to google Nokia had flip phones in the early 2000’s. I still think mine was a nokia
Sorry then… I’ll check…
I think it looked similar to this one:
Did it look like this?
lol. funny timing. yes
it was like the black one
I just checked and your Nokia phone was released in 2006 like my first phone, the Blackberry Pearl.
Told you I was late . I held out for awhile, but it came in handy for work. I am significantly older than you. I would have been 32 or 33 at the time.
Don’t tell anybody I had an iPhone 4 as now I only use Android
Had three blackberry phones… In last two years
I’ve only had like 5 cell phones total in my lifetime I think
Which ones you had? I was surprised to find out that my Blackberry Pearl was made in Canada. I think Blackberry is a Canadian company?
9320,q10,dtek 50
My favourite brand, yes its Canadian…
But right now, problems are baterries, cant find them, and cant order… East Europe