Dude these are beautiful
Thanks @AKendrick
What languages do you study? I’ve seriously studied Arabic and Spanish but dabble in others. LingQ.com I recommend also I recommend Pimsleur.com
Pimsleur gave me a kick start when I was learning Japanese. They are the real deal.
Sadly, no consistent hobby right now. Watching movies, perhaps? I miss the thirst for reading. I want it back.
I am not sure if this is a hobby but singing & listening to Chinese Karaoke music is what I do during my downtime.
probably now that I stoppped painting art it’s my guitar…singing and playing the guitar is something I do every day…keeps me young…they say ppl that play instruments keeps away dementia in old age…I hope so.
Spanish English and German.
Sounds really fun.
Okay thanks for the recommendations!
I use duolingo.
I play banjo. I read. I play PS4. I feed the birds. Not much really.
Make mobile apps, sing Smule and karaoke, play pinball and billiards, learning ukelele, cell phone photography, browse thrift stores
I just got a pretty cool electronics kit from the thrift store for $4. It has springs to wire the components like transistors, resistors, leds , speaker, integrated circuit, etc together. It should be fun to mess around with. I used to love the ones I had as a kid.
In no particular order: genealogy, politics, quizzes and tests(from high range IQ to Playbuzz fluff)
After growing up as an athlete and cricketer, never national level… I found harmony in kickboxing… practice it weekly, hopefully more than I’m doing! Some instagram videos recall what I learnt at classes, which is good!!!
Would love to get into cricket. Wish my son would too. Got one of the oldest clubs in the country on my doorstep too!
I’m starting to notice that I don’t really have one, aside from reading (anything non fiction). All the academic subjects I get into, which usually because of algebra, lead me to the fact that modelling cannot be done 1:1 for lack of a better description. Science is more limited that I ever thought, it does give you fancy equipment but it can’t predict the future (even physical sciences like physics and compsci or engineering).
I’m at a loss for what to do. I guess if I follow through with the accounting and finance degree I can become a finance guy
I play games
Stopped playing them for nearly a decade
Getting into a hobby is a big deal for me as I was bed ridden in free time for a very very long time
These are fantastic. How long have you been doing this. That chameleon is on point!
Warhammer is my favourite hobby. I recently finished painting an orc kill team. Next I’m going to paint a nurgle warcry team.
Gaming sims 4 (at the moment)
Aaand listening to my favourite music. 🩷
The genealogy is very much a love-hate thing. I’m great at finding info, but the complete opposite when it comes to organising the info that I’ve found. I think I may have a subclinical level of ADD. I’m not very good at separating the genealogical wheat from the genealogical chaff. I’m currently waiting for reports on two ancestral lines by a professional genealogist. Waiting increasingly impatiently I should add. One ancestral line is on its 110th day of being researched and the other its 49th day.