You gotta remember the mods are schizophrenic too

I like moonbeam tbh, not that i choose faves

if you want to be real about it though, we all got different levels to our Kray Kray

no-one is completely perfect

Thanks, that’s kind of you to say. I think this forum is awsome! :slightly_smiling_face:


Family away from family.


Hello everyone. My name is ilovethaifood. I’d just like to take a moment to nominate @Moonbeam to be a recipient of the “honorary schizophrenia” award.

Goodness know over time the nominee has developed enough knowledge and research to be officially be recognized as an honorary schizophrenic.

Esteemed Moonbeam, on behalf of every individual in this thread do you accept the title of “Honorary Schizophrenic”? Sure it’s not an honorary degree from Harvard but if you choose to accept, now and forever more on the forums found in this website, there will be no poster here henceforth that will question your state of sanity or reason for being here.:man_student::woman_student:


Here, here. I second the motion. The only problem is we got the diploma and the frame at the dollar store.


Awww, thanks @anon40653964 :blush:


Yes but the ribbon was fashioned by someone on an involuntary hold during recreational therapy group time in the psychiatric ward of a hospital and therefore the items are legitimate… which reminds me… anyone want to pitch in a dollar for a pizza party?


I usually check with my accountant first before investing in extravagant parties.

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John Nash’s Nobel Prize oughta cover it!


(It was auctioned off for over 700,000 dollars! :open_mouth:)


I’m just sad my posts in unusual beliefs keep getting flagged or closed.

Any bit of change will help. I saw you talking to the vending machine the other day. Surely you have at least a quarter? It would honor the memory of the only other recipient of this award… Dorothy from Wizard of Oz because heaven knows the Kansas she returned to could never be the same as before much like our nominee’s views of those of us who have schizophrenia, this only makes a greater case for their award of having “Honorary Schizophrenia”.

Oh and 77nick77, if you pitch in that quarter… you can be the Tin Man… unless you want to be the Lion… then we’ll have to play a series of Uno games to decide.

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Yay! @Moonbeam I like you! I like @Moonbeam and @Ninjastar as mods. They’re nice :hugs:


Well, I’m kind of partial to straw………….And with the decisions I’ve made lately I must surely be lacking a brain. But yeah, the quarter is on it’s way.

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It’s okay. Quarter or not you can have pizza.:smile: The Scarecrow is scary though!:lion:

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thank gawd. Many hard battles fought because in the old days mods weren’t schizophrenic and there was a lot of tourists. I think we’ve a good crew for sure and I don’t find any fault in their judgement if that is what your suggesting…Like sz people can be pretty grounded on medications. Lots round here can attest to that.


I think it’s important that as a mod you have lots of experience with schizophrenia and different ways people have become stable. The best mods are the ones who are open and spend most of their time making sure that no one is being attacked and that conversations are staying healthy.

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