Yoda Speak

Has anyone ever told you that you speak like Yoda? I know that we get word salad but this realization that the two are connected just happened to me.


No, but I imagine there have been times when I sounded like word salad, because I was only vocalizing some thoughts and not others. Like when my therapist asked me when was the last time I was on meds.

In my mind it went like: I worked at that place for 2 months. I started working there in October. I stopped my meds shortly before starting to work there. So that would mean August. (Because my brain forgot September existed)

What came out while I was thinking was something like: “Two October shortly so August.”

As a mild example, but I know I have a tendency to do that. Makes me wonder if some other people’s word salads are just the verbalized fragments of full thoughts.


Yeah I have trouble speaking because I sit alone most of the time and that part of my brain which focuses on speach probably goes soft. Aside from that I go in a chatroom but people there are mean and try to shoot you down or don’t want to hear you speak at all. Recently everyone has been quiet so there is no one to talk to. Anyways that’s not my point. My point is, is that when I do try to talk, I talk real fast and my mind starts to race and words just give me anxiety. Talking on here is fine though. It’s much easier to write down words and thoughts and feelings. I just get this lingering feeling when I talk that someone doesn’t get it or I’m just not satisfied with what I’m saying. It also reminds me of the time I took speed where I couldn’t shut up because I felt a little discomfort.

Silence is gold talk is silver


I hate the word salad… the sentences jumble and I’m trying to keep a straight line in my head.

Or what I was thinking about leaves me in the middle of what I’m saying… brain empty and I end up jabbering anything to try and get back on track.

Good luck to us all

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Haha I do the same and sometimes it ends up happening when I read things with words popping in aren’t there.

organized you are not… he says to the forum…

why would the last post be feb 27th and this be a top 5 post

Good question

15 characters have you must

i suspect someone deleted a response…

you apathy we still need a game to play… I think I’ve got you on steam right?

yes you do. i’ve been trying to raise up money by selling clothes and my dads art.

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wut fer? 1515151515

well so i can live a little bit instead of spending all of my SSD on bills.

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good call man… you want to work afar with a video game studio…

contracted work… non-disclosure…

eventually anyways… just find the bugs. break the ■■■■ out of what we make

wait what?

15 characters are getting really annoying

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be annoyed by this hah

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you know not what you know. yoda say

I meant beta-testing… for windows…


or anything else you want to do… programming… modelling… texturing… animating… promoting…

it might be a couple years and the first project is kind of mutual contracted investment of unkown time for effort

blender+unreal engine 4+steam… free development… proceeds reduced by 15 to 20%

still 100,000 in sales at 10$ is 1,000,000 still a sizeable sum for now

divied by six after taxes that still… like 75 thousand

I still have no idea what you are talking about lol When did we become devs?