Would you rather be permanently alone or surrounded by annoying people?
- Alone
- Surrounded by Annoying people
0 voters
Would you rather be permanently alone or surrounded by annoying people?
0 voters
Neither. 15151515
Life is pretty much already being surrounded by annoying people😂
I changed my mind. Yeah you are right
I’m pretty much alone now
Hmm. . .
Being Alone Has It’s Effort For Hopeful Goals To Be Achieved. Being Surrounded Also.
I mean of coarse I am fond of quite a few people too, don’t get me wrong
I would rather be alone. People tend to drain the life out of me with their idle chatter and two faced BS.
Alone you get to do what you want, lots of people you have to do what everyone wants, either is good for different people, I prefer alone.
That’s a really hard question. I’ve always been surrounded by people for the most part. Even now that I have my own place there’s always someone here it seems. People coming and going, things happening. Idk.
Yeah, this was a toughie for me too.
I said alone, simply because I can think of a few people that would drive me batshit if I had to be around them all the time
With my luck, those are the ones that I would get stuck with
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