Would you rather know or not?

My mom’s friend Mrs. K has MS. She was a nurse so she’s seen a lot of stuff. I just wonder if it’s better to know what’s going to happen or not. I know I can’t stand to look at these things. I never do my own research on meds because it scares me. I know if I had something degenerative like that like I couldn’t stand to know. Sometimes I don’t look at myself because I’m afraid of what I’ll see coming. I just hope that I will be ok if I do stay on the meds.

I just wonder if knowing the absolute worst case scenario and seeing it in all stages just makes her depressed. I feel awful for her that she knows.

Would you rather knowing or not?

I would rather know… It’s difficult to deal with, but I think I rather know.

And I’m sorry for your mom’s friend.

Welcome back @onceapoet :relaxed:

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I’d rather know, that way you can plan for things as they come.
Nothing worse than knowing something is wrong with you, then waiting/avoiding the dr’s with the false hope that it will miraculously go away on it’s own.
and it don’t.

I don’t need a dr to tell me when somethings wrong with me, I need a dr to help me get through it the best I’m able.

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