Worry. Worry. Can't help it

My mind is picking on me. Telling me. I’m going to die. I’m worrying anyway. Tell him about to cry. 4 months now I’m being alone. And my bodies Is falling apart. Little money and little food. No future does I find. All but I can tell you.im my about to lose my mind.


storms are come late to day, if they are like the last one, i well be dead by night fall.

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I’m sorry your suffering @DrZen
Hope you find some relief soon


were do it end, i heard a voice say. you got to have hope, how often people endoor.

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Been through similar. I hope you start to feel better.


roxanna, can’t make the day feel with it . i did up a half a pill, but it take a day.

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I hope you feel better soon @DrZen


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