that s becoz younger population not have enough matured mind to deal with their current problem
I’m guessing early onset would be <18 years old .The earlier the onset the fewer the life skills learnt before the illness develops?
My first psychosis was when I was 17. It was brutal
My MH problems started just before I was 14. , but the first psych appointment was just before I was 17. First hospitalisation was May 1975 (I turned 18 in January of that year) . It had been more of a gradual than acute/dramatic decline. I was very depressed. I’d taken an overdose at the end of the previous term at Felsted.
Against common sense, primarily not to to disappoint my father, I went back for what should have been the term I took A levels. I lasted about a week before being in the school sanatorium for a few days, and then transferred to Severalls psych hospital.
I was a rather naive 18 year old, definitely young for my age.