What’s your take on that.
I have no social phobia.
I am sociable.
Before the onset of schizophrenia I was shy and introverted.
That’s awesome.
I wish I had your attribute.
I’d like to think one day my social phobia will be insignificant
I was anti-social distancing before social distancing was a thing. I regard it as common sense.
For me I get social phobia when I’m experiencing symptoms that augment reality and make it hard for me to get my bearings. So if things are kind of crooked looking and I feel like I’m having to concentrate on walking right I don’t have the concentration to do small talk with some idiot at the grocery store who wants to act like everything is fine. Or if I’m hearing voices I definitely don’t have any idea what the lady at the water company is blathering about her grandkids. It just makes it hard to function when your distracted by the stimuli. That’s what I think, I could be totally wrong though, idk.
I was introverted and shy from as far back as I can remember . It tipped over into social phobia with the bullying I received during my first couple of weeks at public school.
I feel similarly to you. If I’m not episodic, I tend to be more okay. However, I have social phobia and agoraphobia within generalized anxiety disorder, so I’m not a normie.
I rock phone calls, though. Lol
Yes I think you are onto something, generally I mean. We’ve got negative symptoms too.
And trauma from psychosis
And I think many szs have experienced trauma in their life
All of this can have a knock on effect on confidence
And make it harder to relate to normies
I’m confused lol. I don’t know what you mean.
Absolutely. Agree with you 100%. And I wonder if stigma has a lot of bearing on the social anxiety disorder? Like the idea of being humiliated because as a sza you may be talking to yourself or at the least moving your lips or the effects of TD while in public?
I personally love the masks as it gives me confidence in a weird way. This social distancing is hardly affecting me at all. People keeping their distance is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow imho.
Yea I didn’t think about the stigma part but it makes sense. Fear of people manipulating aswell. When Ill. Due to knowing about our vulnerability when Ill.
And now that I think of it a lot of us are overweight that can also affect confidence.
Social anxiety was my first symptom but my psychiatrist said that real social phobia is more severe.
Oh right. I thought they were the same thing. My bad.
What or who is Zeno?
It reminds me of the name Zoe
I like that name.
I don’t want to risk rejection so I haven’t developed basic social skills and come off seeming strange. I’m the first one to call myself ( and others ) strange, though. I’m critical.
Yeh I’m sensitive to judgement. And so I fear being around others. Including my friends.
I think I fear rejection too. Not always. But especially around people that I kind of really value. In some shape or form.
I think maybe schizophrenia starts with severe anxiety, which a doctor in Australia said. I had that and severe social anxiety, but I swear it had something to do with people who broke into my apartments.
For me it’s paranoia, everyone is a potential person who might track me down and kill me, then the anxiety, then the med side effects. I think too stigma of mental illness plays a part.
it’s inherent in the disease. just like a sore throat or runny nose with a cold.