Why do i feel like such a loser/failure?

I find trying to appreciate basic and small things helps even out the emotion state

when i feel bad though i dont instantly think about other things i should appreciate, i’m just trying to deal with low mood, negative thoughts, i’m trying to put my armour on basically is the only way i can describe it.

how do you fight it with appreciation?

Well if something else is going bad in your life try to appreciate other things in your life.

But if you feel bad because you have a chemical issue like clinical depression then maybe you need to just endure it

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Just remember that the game is not up yet, and there is more than one way to skin a cat. You might surprise yourself.

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yeah, i need to hold on to that little tiny shard of light in the distance, aim for it until it becomes brighter.

@LevelJ1 i think its just so much happening right now its a bit messed up, somehow i feel a bit more physically and mentally stronger and more aware but i feel down as well, the long nights and cold weather, college start/stopping, radio show is a bit uncertain, a friend died, i’m just really down atm. there is a bit more to it than that.

But i’m Listening to a nice band just now and its helping a bit,

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Sounds like your a bit overwhelmed with stuff

Idk i cant explain it, i’m just trying to get through it, i think its normal to have times when we are sad, things might not be going our way, certain worries and insecurities set in, i just need to try and resolve these things some how,

I am lucky i have no sz symptoms, it is a year ago i was in hospital with delusions, i’m a bit bummed about that.

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I can really identify with the feeling of failure. It’s hard not to compare myself to my father.

Me: First saw pdoc late 1973. Have never a paid job.

Father:Short spell as army officer.Joined Foreign office.First Who’s who entry 1978. Retired as equivalent of 1-2 star general. Protocol adviser to the 1996 Atlanta Olympics

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What emotions you feel? Shame? How is your selfesteem? These are things you can work on.

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