Who's participating in Movember?

I trimmed by beard to 1mm on Oct 21st and my moustache to 7mm, so now I have a much longer moustache.


I’m semi-participating. When it gets too long I snip it so it doesn’t go in my mouth. My beard is pretty danged long though.


I was considering it - but my dear old mum goes mad if im not clean shaven lol. She always says have a shave before you see me!

I can never get over the initial itch.


I will be participating. :baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick:


I have one hair that likes to pop up on my chin.

Maybe I won’t pluck it this month. :thinking:


No and I never will. Great example of virtue signalling. If you care about the issues donate. Otherwise ■■■■.

I’m growing a full beard. I had a marvelous mo going on but thought I needed to change up for Movember. Every one has a mo over here.

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I did it every year for a few years. I just think it’s enough to make sure to mention it in discussion now instead.

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