I’ve been reading online and I would like to take 50mg of Sertraline a day for my anxiety. It weird that I’ll be taking something that’s effects are opposite to an anti psychotic. I hope it works for me and cures my derealization once and for all.
All antidepressants (ssri/snri/tricyclic) worsen my psychosis except paroxetine that too upto 37.5. If I take 50mg paroxetine that worsens my anxiety and makes me restless.
200 mg every day, it’s for my depression and OCD features
Any side effects? Like sexual dysfunction?
50 mg daily. It helps with depression, anxiety with no side effects except my arm shakes a little rare side effect.
It just makes me feel better. And it combines with my med naltrexone so I don’t drink ever anymore thanks to the combo.
50 mg is the perfect dose for me
Yes, i have delayed ejaculation on paroxetine. All SSRI in my opinion causes this. Some ssri r intense in terms of sexual dysfunction, some r trivial. Some people get it, some don’t. I just ignore this side effect as I’m not married.
4-5 years ago when i was able to tolerate antidepressants, prozac worked for my anxiety but i eventually developed delayed ejaculation on it as well.
I take 200mg a day for depression. It has benefitted me moderately. I shall stay on it.
I’m down to 100 mg a day. Works fine for depression and OCD and probably decreasing negative symptoms (this is just a guess, I am suffering from apathy and low energy so wondering how bad would it be without anti-depressant). At first lots of anxiety and eye problems, but it got better. But 6 months on I’m getting lots of night sweating.
I read that it helped people with premature ejaculation, but I would like to ejaculate on time with an orgasm o_O
I was on Zoloft and I regret it honestly. It worked fantastically well for my depression, anxiety, anger issues, etc but it gave me long term bladder issues. Basically it made it so I constantly had to pee really bad and it was never relieved even when I went. It improved when I quit but my bladder has never been the same and now years later I’m finally going to have to start physical therapy to fix it. This is a rare side effect though.
I take Sertraline/Zoloft for the depression side of my schizoaffective bipolar 2 type. I take 50 mg per day. I can’t function at all without it. I tried going off of it and that was a disaster… I was so depressed and lifeless, I wanted to die…
Anyway, I wish you luck if you do try Sertraline/Zoloft for your anxiety and derealization.