Who’s your favorite celebrity and why?

I’d have to say Jason Momoa right now. He is such a sweet human being. Kim K also seems very sweet


leonardo dcaprio is a great actor and is handsome

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Ben Stein. I don’t know that he was always right, but, he seems to have had the moral backbone to stand for what he thought was right.


What did he do?

I would post his long wikipedia page, but it has some topics that are off limits here. He was a comedian, actor, writer, game show host, and probably a few other things.

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Yeah. I get it. I read his Wikipedia article.

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I guess Bill Maher at the moment but that’s polarizing and not for everyone. Though of late I‘m even have trouble watching him.

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He’s some kind of political commentator right? I’ve heard of him I think.

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I think he was originally a comedian who took a huge interest in politics.

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Yeah. I looked Bill Maher up on Wikipedia. I don’t like him personally but to each their own. He just comes across very aggressive to me.

Probably Taylor Swift. I don’t like her politics and she’s over-rated, but she has a pretty face and million dollar legs. Not sure why I like her so much.

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I like George Soros, he’s done a lot to promote quality research and a democratic political culture.


Cos she has a pretty face and great legs I would say!!!

I personally haven’t listened to her music or seen a lot of her acting so idk but I do agree that she’s gorgeous.

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My answer for your thread was weak…

I could say Marlon Brando but he’s my delusion. My life would have been so much better had I never saw his movies. I am a better man than he was.

It’s a big sadness for my dad too, who wasn’t larger than life enough for me somehow.

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I just read his Wikipedia page. Very impressive

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i like emilia clarke she had a haemorrhagic stroke at a young age, she is a fighter and very pretty and seems nice.

she was fortunate not to get disabled from it


I like Al Pacino the best. He’s a spitfire! Love his method acting and I think he was/is very handsome.


I looked her up. Very pretty indeed

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for male i like bradd pitt. becuase i dont fancy him eventhough he is not ugly it is so refreshing to not fancy someone. means i can take a breather haha!

hes funny in mr mrs smith…

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That guy in Notting Hill, Spike.
I dont really follow celebrities, some seems nice.