Who loves coffeee?

I also drink Matcha but I prefer it with my protein milk shake.

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When people were panic buying toilet paper I was stocking up on coffee.


I also thought about caffeine pills bcz I need coffee to not sleep all day. But that removes the pleasure of making and drinking/tasting coffee, macchiato/cappuccino/vannilla-hazelnut coffee etc

That’s true, but I was never a coffee coniseure. When I was on the road I kept my moral up by drinking large amounts of coffee. One of my favorite tricks was to go into an office complex and ask a secretary behind the desk if I could have the cold coffee they brewed that morning but didn’t drink all of it. I’d usually get around three cups of cold coffee. That beverage never tasted so good. If I ever go back out on the road I know the little trick of buying a 90 count bottle of Jet Alert caffeine pills in Walmart. Combining that with coffee is great.

im more of an energy drink and soda guy but ill drink black coffee in the morning quite often just to get the caffeine

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