Which one do you prefer?




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0 voters

The third one was supposed to be the final version but I’m not sure if I like 2 better

I like the blue light simply because I love the colour blue so yeah the blue one is amazing you really are talented I can guarantee you I could never do that even if I tried for a eternity

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Thanks man. I think I would like the 2nd best if it had blue light as well

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I’m almost in disbelief about how good you are at those

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Hehe, I think I’m improving. My early stuff was not so good. Always striving to improve

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That’s always good I mean I’ve seen people who draw anime characters and I look at them like “how on earth did you do such a amazingly beautiful drawing” idk were all good at something I guess

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I like the second one you can see the logo more clearly rather than it being blue and not as noticeable

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I prefer the second one as well

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Good point, I noticed that as well when comparing the two.

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Everytime I see your art I just want to be able to play Half Life 2 for the first time again…

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Half life 2 is amazing. I didn’t complete episode 2 though. Good game with good art direction

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There was a game called Portal. That one aswell! It gives me Source Engine vibes

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Portal 2 one of the best games of all time for me


This is really good. Great job.

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