Which negative symptoms do you suffer from?

It has come to my attention that alot of people on this forum refer to ‘negative symptoms’ without actually knowing in detail what negative symptoms are. Choose from the list below which negative symptoms you have.

Anhedonia: This is characterized by the inability to experience pleasure. The person with schizophrenia may find nothing in life pleasurable. No activity, no hobby, nothing. Since nothing seems pleasurable while experiencing anhedonia and other negative symptoms, their overall functioning may become extremely impaired.

Apathy: The person may no longer care about anything or become apathetic. This is characterized by a “lack of emotion,” interest, and concern. In other words the person with schizophrenia may become indifferent to important aspects of life. This leads to neglect of social, emotional, physical, and cognitive aspects of life. There is a lack in overall sense of purpose and the person may appear very sluggish. This is also very common among individuals with dementia.

Avolition: Inability to initiate work towards goal-oriented activities. As a result, this makes productivity on a job or at school very difficult. The person with schizophrenia may have zero interest or drive to participate in social activities for long periods of time. This is one of the 5 main negative symptoms of schizophrenia. This is different than anhedonia in the respect that individuals with avolition may want to complete a task, but they do not have even an ounce of motivation to finish it.

Alogia (Poverty of Speech): A key negative symptom that psychiatrists look for to diagnose a person with schizophrenia is alogia. This is considered a form of aphasia, which is a form of impairment when it comes to speech-related functioning. This is often found among individuals with dementia as well as mental retardation. The person with schizophrenia is unable to come up with any material to contribute to conversation and they may not be able to respond to questions.

Asociality: This specifically refers to lack of motivation to partake in social interactions accompanied by the preference for solitary activities. This is common among introverts and people with schizoid personality disorder. In schizophrenia, this symptom can makes the person want to avoid socialization.

Blunted or Flat affect: The individual may lack emotions or experiencing what’s called a “flat affect.” This is essentially the inability to feel any emotion – they are blunted. Subtract all forms of emotion and they have no desire to do anything.

Difficulty in abstract thinking: It may be difficult for the person with this illness to think with any degree of complexity. They may be able to think in very simple terms, but they will not be able to solve complex problems, plan ahead or organize their thoughts. This is likely due to functional deficits in the prefrontal cortex.

Emotional withdrawal: The person with schizophrenia doesn’t share their emotions with others and doesn’t remain open about how they feel. They retreat and keep their emotions to themselves. This coincides with social withdrawal so basically the person no longer shares anything with the world.

Flat expressions: The person may lack emotional expression which may be noticeable when they speak or are involved in a conversation. They may have an inexpressive face, appear dazed or boring, have a very flat or unemotional voice, and be unable to make eye contact. They may stare at you blankly while you are talking and not produce any sort of facial-emotional response to any outside stimuli.

Lack of motivation: The individual may experience significant problems getting motivated to hold down a job, get dressed in the morning, or perform simple tasks. They may not take care of themselves and severely lack personal hygiene and forms of self-care. There is no enthusiasm or inspiration to fuel the person to take action in a certain direction.

Lack of relationships: The person with schizophrenia may have no social ties or any sort of relationships. This is due to their impaired cognitive functioning, as well as poverty of speech, and lack of emotion. The totality of the negative symptoms makes it difficult for anyone to form relationships – even with family members.

Lack of spontaneity: The individual with schizophrenia has a difficult time being spontaneous, especially in social conversations. If you discuss a certain topic with the person, they may not know how to adequately carry on a conversation that relates to what you were talking about. Similarly, they will be unable to transition or make connections to the topic.

Poor rapport: The person is unable to create any sort of emotional bond or connection with another person. This is evidenced in conversation and lack of social connections.

Social withdrawal: The person may experience passive or apathetic social withdrawal. They may not have any friends and completely withdraw from society. At a younger age before onset of the illness, they may have had friends. Schizophrenia causes individuals to completely withdraw from social functioning.

Speech difficulties / abnormalities: The individual may not speak much, even if they are in a situation where they are forced to interact. They also may exhibit confusing speech or abnormal speech during a conversation.

Stereotyped thinking: An individual with stereotyped thinking often has repetitive thoughts that interfere with their ability to think. The person holds certain beliefs that are unreasonable and could be excessive. Basically an individual may be able to talk about a certain topic, but will be unable to transition to talking about something new. Some people have their conversational ability limited to very few topics or their conversation seems highly repetitive.

Unawareness of environment: The individual may be unaware of their current situation or environment. This results in a state of confusion and disorientation.

I have alogia, difficulty in abstract thinking, poor rapport, lack of spontaniety, lack of relationships and stereotyped thinking. Which negative symptoms do you have?

I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, psychosis, feeling like someone is in my body, suffering intrusive thoughts, feeling like my brain is getting retarded or feeling brain dead, feeling people are talking to me although my family doesn’t hear them, also feeling like my brain is about to break, also praying for peace of mind and never having to go through any of these symptoms ever again. Sometimes feeling fear or dread that someone wants to harm or kill me.

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I think the most common sterotyped thought is Jesus. I go to groups and people don’t stop talking about him.

Current positive symptoms: paranoia; auditory hallucinations; illusions; delusions of reference? (I don’t know if this is a sza symptom, or if it is real).
Current negative symptoms: asociality; blunted, flat affect; difficulty in abstract thinking; lack of motivation; lack of relationships; social withdrawal; speech abnormalities; stereotyped thinking.

Avolution, flat expression, and alogia. Officially, the pdoc says I have a flat affect as well.

Negative symptoms: Avolition, occasional alogia, flat affect, flat expressions (which I can overcome by forcing myself to emote), lack of motivation, stereotyped thinking.

Positive symptoms: paranoia, auditory hallucinations (minor), visual hallucinations (also minor), intrusive thoughts, inappropriate affect, derealization (everything seems unreal and dreamlike).

I should probably talk to my doctor, get my AP meds upped.

I am suffer from Difficulty in abstract thinking and social withdrawal…

This is the main one for me.

My main negative symptom in Anhedonia.


what group and where they at?

My main problem is lack of motivation. Also avolition, apathy, asociality, lack of spontaneity and social withdrawal.

I must say its a very interesting and comprehensive list!

I used to have really bad anhedonia, no rewards in my brain for doing fun stuff. Then I got off zyprexa and onto seroquel and rexulti and brintellix and it went away almost completely. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Those were some of my darkest days.

Everyone always talks about lack of motivation and I gguess im lucky because I don’t have issues with it. The only negative symptoms I have had since the beginning are alogia and difficulty with abstract thinking and unawareness of surroundings. Everyone at the support group I go to talks about amotivation and avolition but I’m the only one who suffers from alogia.

I guess i would say i have a little bit of each. Whats worse is lack of motivation

Process groups at a public mental health facility

Anhedonia, avolition big time, flat affect, difficulty thinking, emotional withdrawal, lack of relationships/motivation /spontenaity

I had anhedonia before I started on meds.

most of them …