Which is the best app to play music in?

Cheer up you may have a job soon

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I like Pandora. :polar_bear::polar_bear::polar_bear:


I hope so…, FreeLunch


Did you hear anything back from the receptionist job?

You seemed to like that one.

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I’m meant to hear something back this week, yea

But so far I haven’t.

I’ll call them. Next Monday if need be


If you don’t have money then you might as well use the free version of SoundCloud. It’s good for finding new music the algorithm is ok

You’ll have to listen to ads

There is a way to hack Spotify I think…

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Good luck!

The waiting game can be stressful but might be worth it in the end!

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Thanks. I kind of don’t mind too much if I don’t get this job because I’m a bit scared of the ppl there but if I can overcome that, even better.


Why you scared the people there?

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No idea.

It’s anxiety I guess

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spotify or yt revanced

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Back in the day spoty was the best of them. Nowadays you can’t go wrong with apple, spoty or yt.

They are pretty similar

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You could try deezer. You’ll have to listen to ads though unless you pay.

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Is that a free app. Oooh okay! I’ll try to remember it

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If you looking for new music, imo spoty tailors better your tastes

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Yes, it’s a free app. It’s worth trying.

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Oh cool I’ll look up spoty


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oh I love my spotify…

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I used to have spotify which was great. Now i have youtube music which is great too. One that i tried which was absolutely terrible was the amazon one. So bad! Even with a subscription.

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I prefer Spotify since it tailors your preferences if you turn on certain settings. I tried Youtube Play and it has a little more to offer because it plays music videos too. and has a little more range of music. You can get no ads Youtube Premium and Youtube Music with it, which i have and if i remember correctly, its cheaper than spotify.

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