Which is best anti_anxiety med help me flocks

Oh man, klonopin was a dream–an addictive dream. Beware the klonopin! I loved it, nothing like a klonopin after a long day at work. It was terribly addictive though, so much so they took me off after a few months because they spotted my right–on-time habit of refilling (versus my “I ran out two months ago and forgot to order new pills” habit that the pharmacy is more used to).

I take buspar or buspirone, however you spell it. It’s not addictive, not a controlled substance, and it’s supposed to be energizing so you can take it in the morning. I’ve been on it for several years now and when I actually take it I do feel a certain relief from my constant anxiety about my imminent death and the death of my loved ones. I was also on vistaril, which is very mild, like a cousin of benadryl my pdoc said. I liked it, but buspar has a more energizing effect than the relaxing vistaril, so I choose buspar as my preferred anti-anxiety.

I’ve also been on paxil, klonopin, something else addictive with an a00 oh yea adaban, and some others that I forgot. All had temporary good effects followed by the beginning of addictions, so they took me off.

EDIT: helps with negative symptoms too, I guess!