Where are you now

I am in Finland, where are you?

Hello neighbour, I’m from estonia.

Why don’t I get one of these ?

new forest, great britain xxx

i am here in olympia,washington—usa

Allen Park, Michigan, USA

Pretoria, South Africa

Missouri Ozarks U.S.A. is where I’m at.

From the country Ridgerunner

Bay Area, California.

Pauls Valley, Oklahoma, although I’d rather be in Colorado !!

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I am in Tulsa, Oklahoma right now. Though hopefully K and I will be moving soon. I was born in Russia.

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in front of my computer. just messing. I’m in middle georgia and it is hot hot outside

Livin’ in Alpena, Michigan, but from Springfield, Massachusetts. There is some sort of boat thing going on and there are 900 people from around the world here, just strolling around downtown and looking at the boats.

I live near Kalamazoo, MI. I’m from NY. My wife is from Chicago.

Eek, people pinning theirs?

I’ll go this route… One poster here will probably recognize the general area…

North Bay area, CA.
Hi @Nick neighbor!

Auburn, CA ( in the foothills near Sacramento)

Just outside Washington DC. Born in Bulgaria.

Memphis, Tennessee, born and raised here.

Did you live in Springfield when this was there? Hotel Charles across the street from the bus station… There was a big fire in the late 1980s and it got torn down in the late 90s…but I lived there before all that for a couple months…on the 11th floor…

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