My wife is off dealing with the latest aging parent explosion. I took the money that would have been spent on a bed and breakfast for the two of us on our vacation this week and bought myself a recliner instead:
Not yet, that happens next week. Well, the recliner part of it. I’m certain comments I made about my mother-in-law this week have not been well-received.
She has a relatively new one. She was using an old rocker that has sentimental value to her, but she could no longer sit in because it’s wearing out. So she got herself a new recliner and “gifted” me the rocker. It’s now even more worn out and hurts my back too, but I get stinkeye any time I mention getting myself a new chair as well. She wants to keep this one around.
I don’t know what we’re doing with the old chair after next week, but I refuse to use it any longer. That ought to be another fun discussion.