Im the best… Libra…
Mine is Virgo…
I dont really believe to much into this shiit though XD
I am a Gemini. The worst sign. But also the best. Depending on what side comes out.
They say Virgos have superpowers ??
I think virgos are lady’s man
Gemini is a Air sign @Jonnybegood like libra…
Libra is similar with gemini.
Im apparently a serpentarius they carry snakes
or a sagittaruis, half a horse or something
I don’t know what it all means
maybe i’m both star signs
who knows?
What day of the month you were born? I calculate it for you
Aquarius 467899643
That’s too much personal info lol.
I think I’m either, depends on whose the person calculating it, because different people have different beliefs Im not sure though
Aquarius is the other air sign from Gemini And Libra. I used to study astrology.
Im a little sceptical but it’s fun to read those stuff
I’m Gemini and Cancer.
I was born on the cusp.
A lot of air signs on here
Never mind didnt realize you guys already mentioned this
Capricorn 15151
Capricorn. I feel it’s the best
I’m a Pisces. I don’t like my sign. They are an air head, wishy washy sign with no balls or boundaries.
What do you think about libra?