What's your plan for today?

The only thing I’m doing today is seeing my psychologist. I don’t have to do anything this weekend cuz my volunteering is only 4 days a week this summer and the quarter just ended and summer school online starts Monday.

I wanted to have a nice peaceful day as it’s my first break from work. I woke up grumpy bc my family went out to breakfast without me and didn’t even try to wake me up. I left the house and got breakfast at my favorite place instead. Then I came back and got an A on my exam except I can tell the modafinil has worn off because I’m so sleepy and don’t want to focus on anything now. I took another half a pill to experiment. I usually don’t let myself take a second dose cuz I’m so scared of being kept up all night but like idk why I should worry about that now bc I have so many sedating sleep meds.

Go out a couple hours,get a cup of coffee, read the internet even more hours, watch Spain vs Portugal, take my meds, sleep, repeat.

my plan is to play video games then go to the gym with my brother

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Try to get the kinks out of the tissue paper flowers I’ve made . One more to go - a calla lily. And another yellow rose. Also order a box to send them in.

Study for my course.

I’m making dinner for fathers day tomorrow. Looking forward to it. I have an inner chef in me


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