What's your most complex tactile hallucination?

I have crawling in my fingers, let alone my arms.

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That’s one thing I don’t have.

I dont think anyone ever has. Hopefully someone has something unique.

I dont know what it is. Doctors did an MRI and said everything is normal. No one can explain it.

I used to get the feeling of someone rubbing their hand across my face or hair all the time. And sometimes I would think I bumped into people that weren’t there. I have them less now but still every once in awhile.

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Me drunk laying in the bed, too wasted to do anything besides lay down. The most complex, sorry so graphic, was them stimulating me sexually, making it feel like I was actually having sex, my mind would think, mmmm go deeper, and the feeling would follow right behind it. When there is nothing really to talk about,and I suddenly think about them (after hearing silence all day) (thanks to Zyprexa), it always involves love or something sexual. Like I told my psychiatrist, I don’t care, just as long as I’m not being hurt or terrorized anymore.

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When I felt someone (well, actually, it was a floating arm) yank my backpack. It felt like I had actually been pulled back. Not the most detailed hallucination, but I didn’t realize such a thing was possible.

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Another complex tactile I’ve experienced is them trying to mimic the sound of my heartbeat and try to trick me into thinking they could raise my blood pressure and increase my actual pulse. I did a little research on it, I think it’s called a prepulse inhibition. They say it’s acoustic and tactile stimuli. Whatever. My brain automatically reminds me to remain calm. Allowing fear and anxiety would do nothing but really raise my blood pressure. It is a scary experience, especially when my skin turns red and I start sweating.

Hand on my shoulder and cold breath down my neck.

So cliché.

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One time a deamon was writing satanic incantation on my back with his burning nail, I felt the burning sensation on my back while simultaneously he was saying what he was writing in a weird latine.

After that the door of my room started to disappear into a vortex and I thought I was gonna go somewhere.

Damn, this all sounds so Sf but its true

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Kept thinking blood was running down my back, being poked, also felt like an invisible person crawled on my bed and layed down next to me a couple of times.

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I feel hands on me. Sometimes like my limbs are growing super long and weird. Spiders. And i feel like bits of my brain are falling away like a wet cake

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I feel my abuser touching me sometimes it’s very messed up. But idk if it’s like a hallucination or a flash back??? My other vivid tactile is bugs burrowing under my skin

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I once had a tactile where it felt like someone was, uh, penetrating me. It was really unpleasant.
I also once kept thinking there was blood running down my head.

And before I started Invega, I would often feel like I was wetting myself, which is kind of unpleasant, because I only felt it when around other people, so I’d have to go use the bathroom all the time just to check I hadn’t peed.


Full blown sexual abuse

bugs crawling on my skin. Up and down my arms mainly.

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