What do you just looooove to wear all the time?
Maybe it’s cozy or comfy, or something fancy…
Post pics if you’d like!
What do you just looooove to wear all the time?
Maybe it’s cozy or comfy, or something fancy…
Post pics if you’d like!
I like hoodies , pullovers, Jeans… comfy stuff
My Ice Road Truckers Hoodie, always get comments on it
Anything comfy!
I like pretty dresses
I have a new pair of leggings that are super soft and comfy. I also have a pair of jeans and sneakers that are super comfy.
my stars speedo, it’s also good as a hat. just joking, i only sunbathe in this, haha, my favorite clothes are probably my comfy sweats and my lucky green celtics shorts.
My cool blue jamaica shorts.
My college sweatpants. 10 years of getting softer and softer. Pretty soon they’ll disintegrate
My shorts, 666/999
I love graphic tees. I own so many but the need to amass more is nigh-insatiable.
My denim jacket
Long pretty skirts
My fuzzy leopard print robe.
Dressing gown all day every day, I’ve owned it for only a week and honestly I need to make up for missed time because it was such a good purchase
adidas shoes 151515
I have like no pride in my appearance. Just wear some old pair of shorts and some sweatpants, depending on temperature. Also a short-sleeve button up sometimes.
I’m pretty much homebound until I fix my health.
Once I’m social, I’ll just wear like khakis and a dress shirt all the time. Maybe a nice blazer too.
Band t-shirts and jeans!
I really like silk, but I can’t figure out how to wear it, with different types of clothing.