Whats the worse thing youve done while psychotic?

I searched a baby bird carcass for evidence of it being robotic and for cameras cause I believe animals are robotic and have cameras in their eyes. I feel so ashamed.

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Assaulted a woman … climbed into bed with her… was about to start masterbating, but she woke up…

I thought she asked me to - delusional

I walked out the front door and told my wife I was never coming back. I did this because the voices told me to leave her, and they said they would have to pick me up around the corner so they could do surgery on my head to fix my psychic powers. I walked away thinking I’d come back someday. My wife drove after me sobbing, thinking I was intending to kill myself.

It sounds like you’re getting better @princess, we’ve all done whacky things while psychotic, and then feel embarrassed when we start to get better.


Must be talking about the Cleo kitty cat of mine that has camera eyes, microphone mouth, speaker ears, antenna tail…and it drops the rolls of film (she’s an old version)out the back end.

There were two times I bought a gun while psychotic. This was before they had the five day waiting period. I wasn’t going to walk into a place and open up with my firearm, or anything like that. One I bought for suicide. And the other I bought for self protection. I didn’t need either one.

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I ran away from school because I became convinced I had killed my math teacher and had to go into hiding. I didn’t even dislike him.

I threw out everything I owned (on more than one occasion) , Lived in the dark for a couple of years, Would only eat food at random places I pulled into quickly so “they” could not get to it, Tried to commit financial suicide, Broadcasted myself living naked all in a attempt to piss “them” off

and they say I’m weird… Pfffft


I walked along the highway for about 10 hours.


Probably not the worst thing I’ve done while in a psychotic state, but the only thing I can remember off the top of my head is when I peed on the floor in my bedroom because I thought there were demons in the mirror in the bathroom and they were going to possess me if I went in. :confused:


Thanks @everhopeful I am feeling a lil better they upped the meds a bit


That’s great! I hope you find the right meds and dose for you soon.


I’d post the article in the news paper but this is an anonymous forum. Pretty much thought my life was an experiment , got pissed off, drove my car like a maniac. 20 mph over the speed limit during the rain storm during rush hour weaving in and out of traffic going through red lights. Driving on the wrong side of the road. When I finally got pulled over I got pulled out of my car at gunpoint. !!! Scary ■■■■!!!


Done lot of stupid ish but regret the most messing some good relationships

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Pissed in a humidifier and added hydrogen peroxide and "misted my whole appartment with it thinking it would clean out my lungs. Threw away everything I owned in the trash including my mattress and box spring because I thought it had tracking devices in it.
Threatened a stranger, ended up in a psych ward where I punched a staff member in the face and they had the police come and take me to jail. Sat in jail for two weeks surrounded by some bad guys. Got into fights basically was abused because I was psychotic. It was a very powerful episode and drugs set it off.


I tried to kill myself cause I had knowledge of a goverment plot to steel money and I found out my relitives were involved and they wanted me dead so I wouldn’t tell anyone. I was so upset that my family would kill me. I was going to do it for them.

I never lose complete control. I’m lucky for that. The worst things I’ve done was treat my family like garbage with mean words.

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Had a big pocket knife and tried to kill myself because I thought I was going to be thrown in a well and barely fed. Thank god it was a cheap knife but I still have the scars.

The cops just shot an elderly woman in New York who had schizophrenia because she picked up a baseball bat. The mayor has expressed regret and said it should never have happened.

Being a schizophrenic is very dangerous where it concerns the police.


Yes I consider myself very lucky that cop wasn’t trigger happy that day. And I was psychotic, thinking I’m invincible, but gave him no reason to shoot me. And people wonder why I believe in God. Well maybe they don’t wonder that, but I’m the type who had too many close calls and still in one piece to not believe in God. I am blessed. And faithful. :slight_smile: