Its very hot here. All the windows are open. Fan is on and im listening to spanish guitar.
I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. I’m just sitting here with music tv channels on in the background.
I might order a pizza.
I am probably going to sit and listen to the radio all day. Public radio has entertainment programs in weekends and we have a jazz music station here.
Pizza sounda good. Maybe ill do the same later.
I just woke from a nap. I left overs in the fridge for lunch. The weather is overcast and cool.
I’m just sitting in bed.
It’s 1 am here.
I had a frozen pizza for dinner last night.
Good taste. Only we, 1800’s kids remember, lol
I just finished working out and I’ll eat lunch soon
I’m on my bed listening to country music. I’m going to watch Glastonbury at 5.
My moms getting her house ready to put up for sale so I’m doing a bunch of odds and ends things around there to get it ready. She’s here and im taking a break. I get paid too in a lump sum for hours put in once it sells. I got 4.5 hours since yesterday.
Im currently doing laundry at my familys place. Watching family guy. Trying to figure out how i feel, mainly just tired.
I just ordered pizza @everhopeful i am also now watching a documentary on fred west.
What kind of pizza did you get @Qwerty
Vegetrian pizza. (Im not vegetarian though)
Listening to the news.
Gonna play the banjo soon.
Doing some spiritual studying.
Did a few dishes.
Gonna eat a pasta salad soon.
I picked up my new glasses. I ordered them on May 20th. I can see so much better. It is amazing!
I turned the documnetary on fred west off. I find it too disturbing.
Just laying in bed woke up feeling like crap today
I got a hot and spicy pizza !
I’m in bed but I’m about to walk my dog.
I am happy with my morning and that I got out of the apartment for a while.
Some disrespectful kids almost ran me over with their bikes .
Thankfully I saw some other beautiful kids today so there’s hope for the future.
One of my favourite children is my x boyfriends nephew’s daughter.
She’s such a sweetheart.
But I’m a believer that some people are born ugly and disgusting and I’m not talking what they look like physically.
My “nephew “ is one of them and I hope to never see him again and get him out of my life.
He was a hateful baby.