What would you be doing if younwerent schizophrenic?

Would be working in a bank or a finance firm… was planning to go back to finish my final year

Yeah. I guess it’s hard to think about if you’ve never been well. I yam what I yam

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I guess the best I could have done was be a history teacher. I wanted to be a meteorologist but I don’t have the talent for it. Then I could have warned kids what is so dangerous about nukes.

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Did you go to school?

I actually earned a associate’s degree in History before relapsing.

Oh okay. I have a degree in psych of all things. I’m taking classes now for mental health counseling. Going to try and get my masters. We will see how the first couple of classes go though. Reading is going to be a major issue. I can’t stay focused for very long and get bored and lose motivation quickly.

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I’ve had to accept there are things that I want to do, but that I never can do because of health issues. However it turns out that there are plenty of other things I can still do and do well. I also have all kinds of new things to try, too. Life is good.

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I’d be a mess. Being sza has given me coping skills no normie has.

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I got sick at age 19 so I don’t know what I would be now (35yrs old)
Maybe I would be a kids’ art teacher, it was my dream job and I was able to try out this job a couple of years ago. I loved it :slight_smile: I was really good teacher, but my head is too messed up. Now I’m on disability pension.

I don’t know where I would be art-wise, without my illness. I might be less productive or less creative? I don’t know.

But teaching art is what I have always wanted to do.

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I would have worked with children, primary school, kindergarten or such.

I would be working full time and having good time with family and live a modest life like a routine i would follow and stick to it always… i am trying for that only now hopefully i make it inspite of the illness

Glad to hear you got to live your dream for a while. That’s something to hang on to. Have you ever posted your artwork here on the Forum?

Yes, I have posted my art here, over 200 comments worth of it :slight_smile:

I loved my job as kids’ art teacher, but the sad truth is nobody wants to have a schizophrenic to teach their kids :frowning: I had to hide my illness, and the obstacles and difficulties I faced while working, I wasn’t able to explain why I had such troubles. I also have massive self harm scars on both of my arms, from wrist to shoulder, and hiding them is not easy. I wore long sleeves all the time but it is not practical in this kind of work (washing hands a lot and paints and stuff like that)


Yes the stigma is a crying shame. I’m sorry that it keeps you from working in your field. It’s obviously something that you loved. I will check out your artwork now :slight_smile:

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