What to do?

I am in remission now. Doing pretty well in job. No one knows or can feel I have mental illness in my office for more than an year. I even asked one colleage if I look mentally ill, he said surprised to hear that.

But my wife does not accept that. She keeps noticing small things and blowing it up like anything and making me look like a sick person.

She always wants to play back my past and tell me what if I lose job and what if I run away and threatening me with harsh looks and not accepting my prognosis.

What can I do? Anyone experience the same?

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Being single you want a gf/wife. Being in a relationship you wanna be free. I get that. But here there’s a commercial of quitting smoking. It goes and pictures what health problems you want, or you can try and stop. The main thing is choosing your hard.

I hope that pun helps you with what you’re facing. Maybe take it easy

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I get that I want to take it easy not the hard way always. But she makes it so hard for me to take it easy. I am not trying to quit anything but I don’t want to be in this situation. Maybe I will work away from home for some months so they realise my recovery.

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Yeah man it’s hard with sz… I walked away from my previous job because of it. Lasted almost 2 years. I can’t really tell you what to do, I wish I had a gf/wife though!

I wish I never had a gf/wife. My life ruined because of both.


What seems to be the issue is it just difficult to communicate both your needs with each other? I sometimes when feel lost try to find common ground, is this something you can explore?

Edit; am you both can remember what got you dating in the first place

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That’s most women playa, don’t let them get you to break character and act out in anger. It will just make it worse and add fuel to her fire. Some people have personality problems. It’s unfortunate.

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There is no common ground and communication broke long long back.

She triggers me whenever she talks about my mental health.

Otherwise we don’t get into any fight.

She has trust issues. As I had hyper sexuality.

And I have no relations or cousins or friends who can give testimony for me as well. It makes it difficult to convince myself.

Date was very impulsive and no strong reason.

That is my wife ploy she wants to lose my â– â– â– â–  when she talks and can demand things after saying she is right calm and composed and I am guilty.

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I feel like I need to stay calm and at the same time provide for family and not get into any arguments and continue building my career and following my passion on certain hobbies… which my wife never appreciates or admires… I am so unlucky to the level that i feel I never existed… I am at wits end…