What to do? (Immigration)

This is a public forum and chances are immigration officers might have access to this information.
If someone in my family has overstayed his visa and worked illegally, shall I report it to the relevant authority? Well, I was in trouble yesterday at airport because of multiple entries to the country by using a Tourist visa for visiting family members. However, they did not question me further about community status of my family members.
Since I am taught to speak truthfully and respect the governors, I found myself guilty of not being honest to the officers. What shall I do?

I wouldn’t snitch on them, but that’s up to you. Millions of people stay past the expiration date of their visa’s. I can’t blame them though, since it takes so long to renew the visa or get a green card. Unless the person is dangerous, I wouldn’t say anything.


Thank you for your comment. It is much appreciated.

Saying something would do more harm than good.


I agree with bipolar bear and the toast.


If it bothers you then you should approach your relative. Let them know and give them a chance to change things.

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Yes, at least one of them is going to resolve his community status soon.
Thanks for the advice.

Yep, don’t be a snitch.

If anyone asks, pretend you don’t speak the language. Worked for the Chinese kids at the high school I went to. If they got in any trouble, they would pretend to not understand what they were hearing.

They all knew English.

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when i first came to australia i over stayed by 2/3 years…whoops !?! :scream:
if your relative is an :imp: evil genius going to blow :boom: up the world :earth_asia: …yes… say something.
otherwise …no. :dog:
take care :alien:


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