- Aries
- Cancer
- Aquarius
- Libra
- Lion
- Saggetarius
- Scorpio
- Virgo
- Gemini
- Pisces
- Capricorn
- Taurus
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Lion is actually Leo lol
Mother heckin Capricorn y’all. Like, stereotypical Capricorn
Libra rullezzzzzzzz
I’m Cap with Leo rising. I have sun, Mercury, and Venus ALL in Capricorn.
What does the ascendent means?
I’m not sure, but I know it’s very important to one’s chart.
I’m on the cusp between Leo and Cancer, with Capricorn rising (my saving grace) and Pisces moon (god help me) I have five planets in Virgo (I love to organize everything including my brain, which can be hard) and I have not one air sign anywhere in my chart, but somehow I turned out pretty smart. I just don’t care that I’m smart lol.
Cancerians are very caring people. My mother was one.
ascendant is the same as your rising sign
A big reason I love Rush so much is because Geddy and Alex (bass and guitar) are both Sun Sign Leos! Party to the hilt!
Aries all the way !
when I was young I identified more towards the leo side of my chart, but now that I’ve grown and have a family I really am more cancerian. I just want to be home with my family in peace not out partyin it up with people. Of course part of that could be being sick too.
You are the intellectual spearhead, the mental leader. So, what’s on your mind?
My Capricorn is a homebody, too. Mom and I had an implicit understanding.
I’m an Aries !! creative and intellectual…haha
I was born the same day am matahma gandhi
I’m a Pisces. It seems to fit me.
Saggi wins…!!!
Hell yeah go Aries