What should I talk to my doctor about during my next visit?

If I understand correctly, schizophrenia is more of a spectrum. I happen to fall in the really awesome spectrum of grandiose delusions coupled with mania and delusions of reference. Also, there was a post I made last time I was on these forums about the ethics of triggering psychosis on others. This post was very bad according to the moderators, and earned me a temporary ban. I have learned my lesson, I will not encourage that idea on this forum again… So anyways, what should I talk to my doctor and nurse about during my next visit, I want to keep things interesting between me and my doctor (and nurse).

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talk about whatever is really going on in your life. Mine always wants to know what I’m doing, how I’m doing. If the voices are bothering me…that kind of stuff. Just be honest with your doctor, it’s important so you can get the proper treatment.


Thanks for taking the time to reply to my post!

no problem. I often have a hard time thinking about what I’m going to say to my doctor. At one side I don’t want them to really judge me, but on the other hand I know I need their help.

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How old are u and where r u from buddy…!!!

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36, in missouri u?


24 and from Vancouver, BC, SHOUTOUT TO MY FELLOW CANUCKS!


I am 31 from Nepal…!!!

Awesome information gathering techniques my man, you are a champ. so anyways, what should I talk to my doctor about, I want to feel more intelligent than my doctor.


Tell him everything u need to speak…hide nothing… talk about symptoms and ur feelings… clear ur mind…take care jeff…!!

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Thanks far cry.

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So talk about about the smart stuff…ever considered like researching medical terminology or talk about the news, or something you know a lot about. Anything…maybe you are smarter than your doctor in some things…they’re doctors but they’re not perfect. They don’t know everything…though they’ll be the last to admit that.Just make sure you’re honest with your doctor about every thing too…so they know how to best help you.

Thanks Sohare, however, my specialty comes from experiencing and triggering psychosis on myself. My doctor has studied about this illness, but I doubt she has lived through it.

@Jeff_Arifi you can really talk to her about first and experiences then. A lot of times doctors can’t get that part of treatment on their own. You can tell her what you have and are going through, you can try and make it sound smarter by using big words…sometimes experience is a lot stronger than just studying something…at least that’s what I’ve heard time and time again while studying about creative novel writing.

Interesting. Interesting. experience is definitely stronger.

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Your goals for your next doctor’s appointment seem a little misguided. :confused:

It seems like you should be discussing your symptoms, how you’re doing, and your treatment plan with you doctor.


lol thats true. My doctors think I am a very rare case, an exception.

If you’re playing games with them, your doctors will not find it amusing. They’re busy and have lots of other patients so try not to waste their time by trying to be “interesting” or “more intelligent” or a “rare case”.


I like you Moonbeam. You seem intelligent. Are you a schizophrenic by any chance?

No, I do not have schizophrenia.