With tv shows, I don’t really have an all time favorite. I have a favorite of the moment. I find a show I love and binge watch it all the way through. Then I move on to the ne t one. Right now, it’s New Amsterdam
I would say I enjoyed “Lost” the most, just because the time I watched it. Brings me good memories of going to school and sharing what happened and what was going to happen…
Lost was great!, that was when we still had broadcast tv lol
South Park
breaking bad
Lost (lost is flawed in many ways, but I still like it a lot. Very interesting characters and plot.
The Office is my all time favorite. I have seen the series dozens of times. Dwight is the best.
Star trek the next generation
I loved watching Seinfeld and Big mouth the most.
Dr House 151515
Yeah house is up there! One of the greatest
I’ve been watching The Golden Girls repeatedly since August. I’ve also watched other shows too.
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