houses and trees…
barn houses trees river power lines road
The neighbor’s front door
The street and neighbors house
Hang on…I’ll take a look.
OMG!! It’s @77nick77 in his underwear!! Somebody call the Police!!!
Air. I sense there is air out there. Don’t know for sure but it’s plausible. I’ll need to run some further tests. I’ll keep y’all posted. If I’m not back in 60 minutes or at least one hour. Well, assume the worst.
Gypsies, tramps, and theives.
It was their idea.
A tree that is much too close to my window
A small building and small shrubs. Not very nice but I have a quiet neighborhood, apart my closest neighbor. He gets angry himself for nothing. I don’t know why. And it makes me feel nervous.
A golf course and a tennis court. We live in a country club.
a highway and a small grassy bank.
Mud a truck and a pink playhouse
A dog food factory. It looks kind of nice at night, but during the daytime it is ugly. This woman just down the street was trying to set up a bed and breakfast operation, and she was doing a good job of it. She’d planted a magnificent garden behind her house. I think what killed her dream was that dog food factory. Her customers would get up in the morning, and the first thing they would see was that.
I have a tree that produces beautiful pink flowers and just to the side is a hydrangea that also produces flowers, only in a pretty purple. After that are the cars in the parking lot.
Open field with cattle, horse, and a donkey. I chicken cope filled with chickens and ducks. I small barn where the pigs stay.
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