What movie to watch?

Any suggestions of new or old movies? What comes to mind?


The adventure of dildo Baggins.

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If u like scifi i would like to suggest u to watch iron man all series…along with batman and spiderman…


Seen them :smile: 1212

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I love “August Rush”


Inception, shutter island, the village


Alien/s 15151515


Nosferatu… its a classic… probaly on youtube…


to kill a mocking bird - loved it must see
gentlemen prefer blondes - loved it must see
silver linings playbook - cute movie great acting
pirates of the Caribbean - the last one is very good, you can watch all five.
breakfast at tiffany’s

These are the movies I saw last week. I did not get a chance to watch a good movie this week yet. maybe tonight.


Aw I wish I could watch a movie every night! Last I watched was Blade Runner 2049. It was really good. I’m taking my mom to rewatch it today.

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Taxi Driver 15151

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+1 to blade runner! It was really good.

That Depends. What is your (MBTI) personality type or what kind of movies do you enjoy?

Pulp fiction, what a classic I could never get tired of re-watching it

Also Watchmen is a nice superhero movie

Lotr trilogy too a masterpiece

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The Hobbit Series is pretty cool

the last movie i saw was it follows, its a horror movie but i don’t suggest watching it . it was so stupid. basically you get cursed after having intercourse with someone than have to pass it on basically a paranormal std. i was going to watch the netflix version of deathnote tonight but i heard its not very good.

I really love Anchorman lol. It’s silly but fun.

Hmmm. For horror you can’t go wrong with the old Hammer studio films. Anything with Peter Cushing or Vincent Price.

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