What medication are you on for Depression?

What medication are you on for Depression?

I am sure I’ve DEPRESSION and not yet diagnosed for it so I’m still on medication for

Schizophrenia but not depression.

I use 20 mg Olanzapine.

I am on Abilify and I’ve been told it works for depression also.

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the 5mg olanzapine that I am on alongside my 600mg amisulpride is for depression.

seroxat 40mg 15 years and for life :carousel_horse:

Currently its just zoloft 200mg and wellbutrin 150mg. A couple months ago also mirtazapine, it was too sedating but worked great - made me happy and hungry.

do u have abilify in india…

Seroxat for 15 years

Seroxat 60 mg Helps me a lot

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generic prozac, fluoxetine. it works.

amitriptyline 25mg and lithium 600mgs a day.

Prozac 20 mg per day

Modalert 200 mg online gives good relief from depression buy from worldpharmazone.net pharmacy

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Wellbutrin - Bupropion

is it supplement or p.med…