What is your favorite soundtrack

My favorite soundtrack is from a movie in the 1980’s, that is called Rad. It is about dirt bikes.

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Mountains by Hans Zimmer, from Interstellar.

“The Song Remains the Same” from the Led Zeppelin movie of the same name.

That was our “go to” album to listen to when we drank every weekend in high school.

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The original footloose soundtrack

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Pulp fiction



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I don’t watch movies much, so I don’t have a favourite movie soundtrack.
But for a videogame soundtrack, it’d be Austin Wintory’s Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, which is for the game with the same name.

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I liked men in black sound track… I think R Kelly was on it😶 it was my first CD I’ve ever bought

Is that musIc by Carter Burrwell ?

I have the Fargo soundtrack by him and it is amazing

Edit: I think he also did Burn After Reading

Mission to Mars, Ennio Morricone. Also Gladiator, Hans Zimmer

If it’s good enough, just see the musical.

It was an 80’s movie "Pump Up The Volume " about a pirate radio station in America. A cool little teen movie but had songs on it that were top shelf.


Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:


I like… That one main one from a beautiful mind. But its a bit sad. Although a beautiful tune, I wouldn’t go out of my way to listen to it.

Tbh I don’t really remember many soundtracks.

Crocketts theme

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I used to listen to the 3 1/2 hour LOTR soundtrack at work when I was in the office.

Great music


Pink Floyd “the wall” had an impact on me. The movie was made after the soundtrack. But, i don’t know, musical, opera, or movie. Its all similiar these days. I like lots of musicvideos, like i can’t dance with phil Collins.


I love that movie! It uses that Leonard Cohen song so well. :wink:

@Jake, some of my favorite movie soundtracks are The Terminator, Lucio Fulci’s Zombie, and the original Dawn of the Dead.


Gladiator soundtrack is one of my favourites.

Same here. The Miami vice soundtrack.

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