What is your favorite clothing brand?

I wear Wrangler, which I buy at Walmart.

Levi’s has a great history and are so cool, but they’re too expensive for me.

Thrift store lol


When I was in college I’d often shop at Ross. As for brands, I really liked wearing Dockers. I also have a pair of Levi’s that have not fit me for several years. I’d wear those. Dockers felt comfortable. I looked nerdy before it was hip. A short sleeved button up shirt tucked while wearing Dockers, a belt and glasses. I was a bonafide nerd. Then it became a trend some basketball players dressed similar to. I’d wear my Levi’s with a Ramones t-shirt and that sort of clothes. I looked more like a rocker that way.

Now that I’m obese, I wear whatever I can find that fits comfortably.:expressionless:

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Kmart. It’s cheap and lasts long enough.

For boots. I like expensive ones. Doctor Martins boots are the best. Get some lace up, steel toed boots and they are the bomb.

Your just messing with rubbish with brands. I’ve found little difference between high end or low end. You might get a little more wear time but most brands get made in China or India anyways. May as well just go to the cheap option!

LS! It is DC Shoes for me. Skate shoes.

I only wear Levi for jeans, and whatever shirts I find at Burlington/Ross/Marshall’s.

I wear sandals when I can. Otherwise it’s asics if it’s cool out or my Red Wing boots if it’s raining/snowing.

I buy my Levi’s at kohl’s. Last week the were on sale for $35.70 a pair. If you buy 3 pair you get $20 kohl’s cash and $5 store credit if you sign up for their yes2 you Reward program.

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Depends on if it fits me at all. I need 3 or 4XL for TShirts and XL for pants. I can not get this stuff in regular shops in the city. My clothes are a mix of ‘it finally fits me’ clothes. I disslike how most of them look. But surely better than running around naked with my belly etc…

Love Free People, J.Crew and The Gap (for women)

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My Twin Brother. He always buys decent named brands and never wears them. I basically have his hand-me-downs when he clears out his wardrobe. Just the other day i got two pairs of nikes off him.

Cant remember the last time i went clothes shopping.

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I like Free People and J Crew too. I also like Zara and Madewell and Anthropologie.

I don’t purchase brand names, but I prefer Nike sneakers

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I like JcPenney clothing, it’s good quality. I bought a pair of Scetchers go walk joy shoes and they are the best shoes I’ve ever owned. I have a heel spur that bothers and a little tendonitis in my feet too. Going to get another pair before they stop making them.

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They have also a Sketchers store where I live and you can always go online.

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Everyone here likes big and expensive brands. :grinning:

I’m personally looking into something that is cheaper, here we have stores called Penney’s so I buy clothing and shoes in bulk, rhey are new and perectly stylish, but made with labor in asia, so its cheaper. I throw them away once it has been worn off.

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My husband buys me a lot of cute clothes from Wish.com at my heaviest in March I was 240lbs, so a 3x/4x, I’m down to 160lbs as of 2 weeks ago so a 2x/3x, for shirts. Pants I have a 31 inch waist so a large/XL stretchy fabric. Can’t wear anything that isn’t elastic waist cause of my hip right now. But I lost a ton of weight, and I really like the clothes he picks out to surprise me.

Funniest story is I was out cold from sleeping pills, he sits me up and tries to use a fabric measure tape to figure out my bra size to get me a pretty bra. I woke up during this, looked at him, and he just said “pretend I’m not here.” I laughed, helped him correctly measure, then went back to bed. Bra he picked was cute, but 2 inches bigger in the band woulda been more comfortable, but it’s manageable.


I like Esprit here and Benetton. Do you know them in USA? :grinning: But I have problems with them now to fit in… I also go in H&M, there’s always smth nice there… Or more exactly, lately, it’s my mom who buys me the most of my nice clothes there.

Do you live is Italy or France? When I was in Paris last I went to Esprit and Benneton, they do not have those brands anymore in the US, but I enjoyed shopping there.

I like uniqlo
I think it’s called that
And Adidas type stuff
H and m
Primark since we are being realistic about money here

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