What is your current diagnose..?

I checked, and yup, it’s undifferentiated schizophrenia! My old diagnosis was psychotic depression, but I guess that changed when my depression ended and I was still psychotic.

Paranoid schizophrenia.

Little hint…After therapy with a lady who would yell ‘delusional’ and ‘now you are acting like a _________’ (insert diagnosis), it is fine to ask not to be told. It is only for insurance filing purposes…

Never experienced any problems & worked very happily for decade before a nervous breakdown over the following after a little mental care for one bought of insomnia…now called this after mental care got me fired from good job…

Paranoid schizo…
bipolar psychosis…
(PTSD is not handed out here without physical trauma but I had a friend’s family abuse story play back through memory flash backs me over 8 years after I quit talking to her…her family sex abuser was stalking me for couple of years during this including driving past my home, vandalize stuff & yelling at me from the road. Local cops already knew about this family of abusers but refused me assistance to get restraining order…The restraining order laws here are useless.)

Was told PTSD develops most often in people who live alone and cannot repeat a story they were told to another person…This is made worse if you spend extended periods in the company of these folks…So I have location where story was told to me, approximate time of trip and even my own responses (verbal/internal) played back to me…Local mental care refuses to help at all so it turns out this woman had same thing happen to dozens of friends she messed with to scare & let her sex abuser stalk them (and worse even decades later). Local cops ignores this group of wealthies and this bunch is still picking women off craigslist to mess up…This guy is regular customer in restraining order court here with good attorney & discounted Legal Aide won’t even give advice to victims so no one has gotten him yet…Cops won’t enforce restraining orders except for trespassing on your own property so it’s worthless…

I’m diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.

I gave my old diagnosis of sza up there a ways^

It is no longer schizoaffective but schizophrenia. I’ve been waiting for someone to come around to this realization for what feels like an eternity.

I also have an anxiety disorder.

Psychotic disorder nos, major depression, ocd, adhd, right hemisphere brain damage

First diagnosis- Paranoid Schizophrenia

Walk in clinic doctor- Thinks I have neurological damage due to lead poisoning.

How do they think you got lead poisoning?

barrel rider :stuck_out_tongue: hahaha

Schizoaffective ,bulimia and anxiety disorder.

Don’t know. He told me in September I have to start grade 3 level classes with an organization in town. It’s going to be hard going from a college associates degree back to grade 3 again.

My partner was diagnosed with Paranoid schizophrenia


Like actual third grade level classes? I’m confused now. What?

You read that right mussel. I’m going back to grade 3 starting in September. :confused:

My doctor just changed my diagnoses to: schizophrenia, residual type; generalized anxiety, borderline personality disorder, and PTSD.

Schizoaffective bipolar type, with OCD. They never told me I was diagnosed with OCD until the procedures in the office changed and they had to print out a report of my visit. The report included med change notes, what I talked about, and what my diagnoses were. I saw OCD and asked about it, and he said “Oh I thought we talked about that”. Then he explained why they found that to fit me. I’ve been diagnosed since 2010.

Mine’s paranoid schizoaffective disorder. I’ve also beed diagnosed with depression and anxiety in the past.

None at the moment, I was told I have a high possibility of Schizophrenia. Without medical insurance I can’t go to get it checked up on some more.

My doctor told me he hadn’t seen a case like mine in all his 30 years of practice ;_; Though I guess I don’t find a real diagnosis necessary. I think my mind just responds to stress in very strange ways.