What is your current diagnose..?

I’m also in the Undifferentiated Schizophrenia boat

But my doc is just itching to put me in the Schizoaffective boat.

Not sure how I feel about that.

Paranoid Schizophrenia and depression. But I always say ‘Of course I’m depressed. I have schizophrenia.’ lol

I’m actually not sure! Schizophrenia of some sort, probably undifferentiated based on my symptoms, but I never bothered asking my pdoc what my actual diagnosis is. Maybe I’ll ask when I see him next week. Though also I have depression and anxiety. Maybe he has me down as Schizoaffective? I honestly have no idea.

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I know this should be a simple answer but for me it’s not. I’me being treated for Schizophrenia, I do have delusions and hallucinations but they’re not as strong as most, I guess because of my medication and the fact I can figure out most of the time they’re in my head and not real so I tend to ignore them the best I can. I have had episodes where they get the better of me, but rarely…and it depends on how much stress I’m under at the time. I always think people are against me, which is why I stay by myself usually. Which is in line with Paranoid Schizophrenia.

I’m also being treated for high levels of Anxiety, and Depression. But I don’t think I’ve been officially diagnosed. It may just be a delusion of mine, or me in denial. I don’t know. Those are the three things I’m currently being treated for.

well iam not totally sure but I been told I have major depression schizophrina and bi polar yea I don’t belive it but this therapist I see for 3 months says its a classic case but my other dr is like you don’t have all this illnesss so iam not sure I been told even other personality disorders

YES I have this same diagnoses one says that the other says the other

My son was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenia. Now schizophrenia as the DSM 5 doesn’t appear to recognize sub-types.

That may be changing to psychosis NOS. Unofficially ADHD and ODD.

•SZA-bipolar: Though, it really seems more like a category than a diagnosis in my opinion; the way it presents in different people is just so vast.
•Anxiety: Mostly caused by the SZA.

I have a few scattered traits of things like OCD, ADD, social anxiety that I’ve had most of my life. Though none of them really warrent a separate diagnosis, they are really just quirks and nuisances. I, however, think they are probably related to the SZA somehow…or the SZA is related to them? IDK.

My depression did not appear until many years after my official diagnosis of schizophrenia. My psychiatrist considers it as a complication of schizophrenia, and not major depressive disorder. It is not strong enough to be considered a mood disorder.

"The diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder is made when the patient has features of both schizophrenia and a mood disorder but does not strictly meet diagnostic criteria for either illness alone. (Medscape. Schizoaffective Disorder, Diagnostic Criteria: 2014).

So it is possible to have both schizophrenia and mild depression, without meeting the criteria for schizoaffective.

There are very strict and clear DSM criteria for diagnosing schizoaffective disorder, but many doctors do not understand them or adhere to them, unfortunately.



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Schizophrenia (I don’t know what subtype, I think paranoid and disorganised mixed)
Borderline Personality Disorder

Currently it’s schizoaffective disorder though I haven’t had any mood instability in ages and have never been manic, anxiety disorder and alcohol dependence though I was never physically dependent on alcohol.

These were my diagnoses from my last treatment program and as it was a dual diagnosis program I think they added alcohol dependence just because that was my primary substance of choice.

From what it sounds like my new providers seem to be interested in re-diagnosing me with PTSD which I had as a diagnosis for several years before the dual diagnosis program took it away. My new therapist has said that the nature of my past psychosis alone could cause traumatic stress and she doesn’t even know about my history of trauma.

Who knows what my diagnoses will be in a few months as I recently began going to a mental health center after relocating back to the area I grew up in. This is definitely subject to change, especially the schizoaffective as this diagnosis was made before I even had experienced psychosis just to qualify me for disability.

I have two. Paranoid schiz and schizoaffective. Don’t know what I have tbh.

quite mad…
take care

@BarbieBF You are right it doesn’t. Thank you for posting this. Now I kind of wonder what that makes me. Does that mean I should have another classification? Because, since my psychiatrist put me on Zyprexa my paranoia is my major problem.

It sort of is. I guess you would consider the feeling that my mind leaks my thoughts to people as a hallucination. I’ve always thought of it more on the paranoia side. I usually tell people I don’t hallucinate that much anymore since the Zyprexa but honestly I guess it isn’t that true because it happens every time I leave the house. I don’t leave the house hardly at all though because of it. That is my biggest problem now. I think that if I could just get past that then my life would start up again. I try to view every situation as a way to be mindful and learn but the isolation makes me seriously angry sometimes.

I’m sorry if this didn’t make that much since but it is really making me analyse my situation. Thank you again for posting this. I need to bring this up to my doctor.

Same here, my pdoc says it can and cannot be SZ, but I dunno. I just want a final diagnose already and to get it over with, so I can know what I can do about it. My son came with an emergency SZ diagnose put so I could have a quick c-section, but the guy who did the diagnose told me he didn’t actually think it was SZ.

I hate my country’s lack of specialised doctors. I can’t wait to move out, even though I love my friends here.

@Zupa My mom thought it was funny that when they told me I was officially schizophrenic that my response was ‘Thank God.’ I just felt so relieved to have a name for it.

my own view is my diagnose now is, ‘‘happy go lucky’’


“Thank God” was my initial thought too. Didn’t say it out loud though, but felt relieved. It explained a lot.

I don’t think it will change your classification or treatment. The best that I can understand sub-types is that some people may have more of a certain symptom at times. However a lot of people get different diagnoses at different times due to the most prominent symptom during certain times. My son’s first break he was catatonic. His breaks after that he was paranoid. However I’m guessing paranoia during a break is pretty common. From my point of view not having the sub-types makes more sense.

Sometimes I have trouble distinguishing what category a symptom is in. I don’t think thought broadcasting is considered an hallucination but I don’t know. It is a positive symptom and it sounds like it is fueled by paranoia. As some symptoms get under control then other symptoms may become more noticeable. Your post made sense and I’m sorry you are still struggling with paranoia.

My diagnosis is schizophrenia.