What is Wisdom?

What are your thoughts on what wisdom is?

I feel it is the yin, and the yang.

The lack of suffering.

The ability to not be foolish

And experience and insight, and a natural intuitiveness that may come with age or experience too.

It is wise to be depressed, as suffering is inevitable, but it is also wise to be happy and do what you enjoy, as we must make the best out of this life. The yin and the yang.

And living in the moment.

I like buddhism


Knowing it doesn’t matter -


I typed this up in my original post but wanted to make it simpler. But you’ve simplified it really well. Niceeee.

Being able to screw up and learn from your mistakes

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experience. Hakuna matata.

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Wisdom is love wedded to knowledge.

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what does peeing on the brain have to do with smarts. to be able to recall faster and more efficient than anyone else is to be wisdom.

Wisdom comes from experience. Experience comes from making mistakes.

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Wisdom is knowing enough to let others learn on their own.

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Wisedom , i think is about getting the best or desired outcome in any given situation.

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Follow your heart -

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Wisdom comes from mental, emotional and spiritual maturity. It doesn’t necessarily come from age or experience, but growth.


pain = knowledge = wisdom
take care :alien:


Maybe that’s why a line that speaks to me is - If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise. Everyone can only do what he does.

Your post reminds me of another girl in the mental hospital when I was 17.

Older Really Can Mean Wiser

“You gotta’ know when to hold 'em know when to fold ‘em Know when to walk away, know when to run. You never count your money while sittin’ at the table there’ll be plenty of time to count 'em when the dealin’s done”…haha


I certainly am not a “wise man”. I believe wisdom comes with age. Buddhism says one can not become “enlightened” until they’re 28…I’m not sure why they picked that age but they did. I believe I can be a “wise man” when I’m older. Like @darksith said, pain comes wisdom. The ability to tolerate pain is part of wisdom. Knowing suffering is inevitable, but being happy with it…that’s part of wisdom. I’m not always content which is why I’m not too wise yet. The end of dukkha is wisdom. Having a lot of knowledge, but knowing you know nothing at the same time is wisdom. The yin and yang like I said. Maybe not the yin and the yang, but the yin and yang seem to be a common theme in wisdom, and everything. Sometimes I strive for wisdom, but it is not striving that makes one wise. And that’s difficult to do at a young age. Maybe getting older you learn how to “just live”, maybe getting old is an advantage because you’re living in the present…like me for example, i wish i was older so I could be wiser, better, smarter. But when you’re old you’re content with where you are if you are wise. You wouldn’t be wise to want to be younger always but moreso where you are you are content.

I wish I could become more knowledgable about human survival, how to survive, I’m somewhat spoiled in life, if I were to go live in the woods for a year and live off the land I would become more wise in the areas I’d like to. I wish I could meet a shaman.


Knowledge guided by experience.


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There are groups on Facebook that organise trips into jungles to meet shamans and sometimes to take part in sacred rituals. This might not be for everybody but just your last few lines of your post reflects how I feel sometimes.

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my father once told me it isn’t until you stop and turn around but you become wiser