What is up with men?

Don’t do it!!!

You really want your first time to be special. Trust me. I was a lot like you are now before I met C. Down on myself all the time, lonely, I had never had sex (I was 22 which basically made me an old maid in the part of the country I live in). I was very afraid of being touched too. I think that if I had gone the ‘random fling’ direction it might have scarred be for life. If you are like me it isn’t going to be anything like the movies. You will be scared to death and you need someone there that can help you through that.

I think that if you just go for a random fling rather than someone who is honest and trustworthy you will end up with more intimacy problems than you have now. Please trust me. I’ve been exactly where you are now. It isn’t a good idea.